
  • Damboia Cossa

    2018-2024. PhD Student. University of Gothenburg & Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique

    Ecological drivers in seagrass meadows in Mozambique: An approach for effective conservation and restoration

  • Karl Karlsson

    2022-2024. Research Assistant. University of Gothenburg, Sweden

  • Nadine Plata Klingler

    2023 and 2024. Internship from Ghent University, IMBRSEA program and Gothenburg University

  • Marit Claβen

    2024. Internship from BioLabs, Juelich, Germany

  • Ali Ademi

    2024. Internship from BioLabs, Juelich, Germany

  • Alba Mayorga

    2023-2024. Master student. University of Gothenburg

    Plant plasticity: role of hydrodynamics, sediment and light on eelgrass morphology adaptations

  • Stefan Gelderie

    2023. Internship from BioLabs, Juelich, Germany

  • Fantine Soulat

    2023. Internship from Ghent University, IMBRSEA program

  • Eva Pagan

    2022-2023. Master Student. University of Gothenburg

    Innovative approaches to study marine mammal populations using drones and machine learning

  • Michael Gitzen

    2022. Internship form Biolabs, Juelich, Germany

  • Pascal Fischer

    2022. Internship from BioLabs, Juelich, Germany

  • Marvin Lehmann

    2022. Master student from Geomar, Kiel, Germany

  • Abril Reynes Cardona

    2022. Internship from Ghent, IMBRSEA

  • Kirsten Wohak

    2022. Internship from Ghent, IMBRSEA

  • Jakub Przybyla

    2022. Bachelor project, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

  • Chen Chiau Yu

    2020-2021. Master Student. University of Gothenburg, Sweden

    • Biodiversity changes after seagrass restoration
    • Dugong ingestion of plastic litter
  • Frederik Walters

    2021. Master Student. University of Gothenburg, Sweden

  • Gabriel Pasquier

    2020. Master Student. University of Bordeaux, France

    Small-scale transport of microplastics: the role of rocks, oysters and hydrodynamics on particle trapping

    The aim of the study is to understand how different plastic particles, such as pellets and fibers, behave in a coastal shore environment composed of oysters or rocks. Using a hydraulic flume at Kristineberg I quantify the role of bottom complexities on particle trapping exposed to hydrodynamic regimes.

  • Lea Stolpman

    2019-2020. Master Student. University of Gothenburg, Sweden

    Tipping points for ecological restoration: Water quality and plant survival

    My project aims to quantify different scenarios to improve the water quality of the bay of Askeron using ecological modeling. I will assess how adding coarse sand in a degraded bay could reduce sediment resuspension of glacial clay to allow restore the vegetation that used to grow in the bay. I am using DHI Mike3 model with the Ecolab module and field data obtained during the summer of 2019.

  • Henrik Möller

    2019. Bachellor student. University of Gothenburg, Sweden

    How turbidity plumes of sediment develop under increasing wave exposure in the field?

  • Nicolina Andersson

    2019. Bachellor Student. University of Gothenburg, Sweden

    Sand-capping as a method to reduce sediment resuspension and restore eelgrass in Sweden

    My project aims to evaluate i) how waves and currents affect sediment transport and resuspension to improve eelgrass restoration, and ii) when eelgrass is planted or established how it can reduce flow conditions.

  • Elena Tamarit

    2017-2019. MsC. Research Assistant. University of Gothenburg , Sweden.

  • Alice Dhurlaborde

    2018. Internship. Université Catholique de Lyon, France

    Developing techniques for coastal mapping using drones

    Coastal mapping of Kosterhavet National Park, Gullmars Fjord and Marstrand area combining underwater video cameras and drones.

  • Nino Erlandsson

    2018. Internship. University of Gothenburg, Sweden

  • Romaric Jac

    2018. Internship. Le Cnam Intechmer, France

  • Sven Gerlach

    2018. Intership from BioLabs, Juliech, Germany

  • Than Nguyen

    2017. Internship. Université Catholique de Lyon, ESTBB, France

  • Niklas Warwas

    2017. Master Student. University of Gothenburg, Sweden

    Feedbacks of the shore-crab (Carcinus maenas) on eelgrass (Zostera marina): Factors to be considered.

    My project focuses on the impact of the shore-crab (Carcinus maenas) on eelgrass. Shore-crabs can have deleterious impacts by preying eelgass seeds and shoots. I will investigate if this behavior is hunger motivated or part of social behavior. Furthermore, I will test if planting high shoot densities can be a mean to coupe with crab damage. I will address this question using laboratory experiments and cages in the field.

  • Beatriz Marín Díaz

    2016-17. Master Student. University of Barcelona, Spain

    Impact of hydrodynamics on sediment resuspension, light reduction and seagrass development

    In my project I am studying how waves affect sediment resuspension, turbidity and light in the presence and absence of the seagrass Zostera marina. In the project I am using a wave flume located at Kristineberg station. I am also doing a review on the causes preventing seagrass restoration.

    Read the resulting full scientific article here

  • Katerina Bengtsson Kupcik

    2016-17. Master Student. University of Gothenburg, Sweden

    Interactions between the invasive Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas and native seagrass Zostera marina

    My master project focuses on two species living in Swedish coastal waters, the native seagrass species Zostera marina and the invasive oyster species Crassostrea gigas. My aims are to establish the degree of coexistence between Crassostrea gigas and Zostera marina along the West Swedish coast; to detect whereas the niches of the two species overlap, in sites they do coexist; and to determine, if the interactions between Z. marina and C. gigas is beneficiary or harmful to the seagrass.

  • Laura Dijkhuizen

    2016. Master Student. University of Utrech, Netherlands

    Seagrass and sediment erosion interactions in Zostera marina and Ruppia maritima

    I am interested in the role of seagrass in reducing sediment erosion by waves. In this study, I use a wave flume to assess how two seagrass species; Zostera marina and Ruppia maritima, influence the erosion of vertical sediment edges. I aim to establish in which environmental factors are more important to reduce erosion of seagrass beds edges, such as biomass, sediment composition and wave exposure.

  • Selwyn Hoeks

    2016. Master Student. Radboud University, Netherlands

    Role Zostera marina roots and rhizomes on sediment erosion

  • Tristan Alison

    2016. Master Student. National Institute of Agronomy and Food science, France

    Mapping of seagrass beds with aereal photography using drones

  • Margaux D'Ambly

    2015. Internship. Université Catholique de Lyon, ESTBB, France

    Sediment resuspension and settling velocities in seagrass beds

  • Caroline Crouzy

    2014. Internship. Université Catholique de Lyon, ESTBB, France

    Zostera marina seed predation by the shore crab Carcinus maenas

Seagrass Ecology Lab - Kristineberg 2024

Seagrass Ecology Lab team at Kristineberg Marine Station, Sweden, 2014. Group photo with Eva-Lotta Blom, Sebastiá Enault, Karl Karlsson, Marit Claβen, Nadine Plata, Ali Ademi, Gonzalo Egea, Ángeles Feria Rodríguez, Lucia Rodríguez, Rocío Jiménez, Julia Máñez, Nuria Marbà, and Eduardo Infantes

From left to right. Above: Eva-Lotta Blom, Sebastiá Enault, Karl Karlsson, Marit Claβen, Nadine Plata, Ali Ademi, Gonzalo Egea.

Below:  Ángeles Feria Rodríguez, Lucia Rodríguez, Rocío Jiménez, Julia Máñez, Nuria Marbà, Eduardo Infantes.

Seagrass Ecology Lab - Kristineberg 2022

Seagrass Ecology Lab Kristineberg team 2022 - Eduardo Infantes, Per-Olav Moksnes, Theo Kinderberg, Damboia Cossa, Aina Barcelona, Matilda Rasmunssen, Karl Karlsson and Henrik Möller.

From left to right. Above: Matilda Rasmussen, Theo Kinderberg, Michael Gitzen, Per-Olav Moksnes, Henrik Möller, Johan Sverinsson.

Below: Pascal Fischer, Julia Müller, Jana Hüller, Karl Karlsson, Eduardo Infantes, Damboia Cossa, Aina Barcelona.

Seagrass Ecology Lab - Kristineberg 2021

Seagrass Ecology Lab Kristineberg 2021

From left to right. Above: Philipp Süble, Anne Brauer, Aina Barcelona.

Middle: Carrie Chen, Damboia Cossa, Eduardo Infantes, Joana Vasconcelos, Rodrigo Riera.

Below: Per-Olav Moksnes, Frederick Walters.

Seagrass Ecology Lab - Kristineberg 2017

Seagrass ecology lab team in 2017, consisting of Eduardo Infantes, Per-Olav Moksnes, Ines Castejon, Erin Cox, Niklas Warwas, and Matthew Adams

From left to right. Above: Joakim Nilsson, Niklas Warwas, Per-Olav Moksnes, Jenny, Elena Tamarit.

Below: Lukas Schulden, Jenny Nguyen, Eduardo Infantes, Ines Castejon, Erin Cox, Laura West, Matthew Adam.

Contact: eduardo.infantes [at]    Kristineberg Station, Kristineberg 566, SE-45178, Fiskebäckskil, Sweden