
Hydrodynamic flumes in marine research

  • Simulates marine conditions: The flume replicates various water flow scenarios, crucial for studying marine ecosystems.
  • Research applications: Used to examine sediment transport, organism behavior, and coastal dynamics under controlled conditions.
  • Advanced facility: Supports cutting-edge experiments in marine ecology, aiding in environmental and ecological research.
  • Impact on science: Findings contribute to a better understanding of coastal and marine environments, influencing conservation efforts.

The Seagrass Ecology Lab, located at Kristineberg marine station in Sweden, houses a hydraulic flume for studying the flow of water in a simple channel. The flume is capable of generating waves and currents to replicate conditions present in shallow coastal environments. It is a valuable tool for investigating the interactions between hydrodynamics and organisms, as well as sediment dynamics, wave propagation and turbulence.

The flume is constructed from PVC and plexiglass and is open-topped, measuring 8 m in length, 0.5 m in width, and 0.5 m in height. A test section box, 2 m in length and located at the bottom of the tank, is filled with sediment (eg, mud, sand, gravel, rocks, etc).

One unique feature of the flume is its ability to be filled with sea water from the fjord, as well as fresh water from the tap or a mix of seawater and tap to simulate brackish environments. The water temperature can be increased with resistances or reduced with a chiller. In addition, CO2 gas can be pumped in the water to reduce the pH, if required. The flume can hold up to 1500 L of water, where the filling height is 20-30 cm.

A wooden frame beneath the plastic and plexiglass construction elevates the flume and improves accessibility. A large pipe runs between the rack, creating currents within the flume. This design allows water to flow continuously without reflecting back to the end. The pipe also features a valve for draining the water, which is beneficial when working with sensitive organisms and requiring specific water temperature and salinity.

Hydraulic flume for coastal ecology research at Kristineberg Marine Research Station in Sweden



The hydraulic flume is capable of generating unidirectional flow or currents, which can be adjusted by controlling the motor revolutions per minute (RPM) that determine the flow velocity of the water. The motor is connected to a propeller located at the end of the flume, which creates the currents that flow through the pipe below the flume. To ensure a laminar flow, two elements consisting of tubes and straws are positioned at the beginning of the flume.


Oscillatory flow or waves in the flume are generated using an electric piston, which is mounted on a rolling cart. The length and speed of each piston stroke can be controlled electronically to modify the paddle speed and paddle stroke, thereby allowing for the creation of waves with different characteristics. The wave frequency is also controlled from a computer that regulates the forward and backward stroke velocity of the wave paddle. To reduce reflections of wave energy, a beach is located at the opposite end of the flume, which is designed to dissipate wave energy using a thick porous mat placed at a 15-degree angle. This design effectively damps wave energy, reducing the impact of reflections and enabling more accurate studies of wave dynamics.


An Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) Nortek Vectrino is available in the lab and is a highly useful tool for measuring fluid velocities and turbulence in a hydraulic flume. ADVs can be used to precisely measure the velocity and direction of water flow, which can provide valuable information for a wide range of scientific and engineering applications. For example:

  • Measuring water velocity and turbulence in hydraulic flumes or other flow systems
  • Studying the behavior and physiology of marine organisms in relation to water flow patterns
  • Investigating how marine organisms interact with different flow environments (e.g. bottom roughness)
  • Developing models and simulations of flow-organism interactions (e.g. transport, feeding, swimming)
  • Monitoring the effects of anthropogenic disturbances (e.g. ocean acidification, climate change, pollution) on flow patterns and organism behavior
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of artificial structures (e.g. breakwaters, reefs) in altering flow patterns and providing habitat for marine organisms
  • Assessing the impact of hydrokinetic energy devices (e.g. tidal turbines) on water flow and marine ecosystems
  • Characterizing the flow of sediment and other particles in aquatic environments
  • Studying the dynamics of rivers and other natural water systems.
Wave and current flume, Acoustic Doppler velocimeter ADV, Nortek at Kristineberg marine station flume, University of Gothenburg

Wave gauge (HR Wallingford) are availabe in the lab  to measure the height and frequency of waves in a flume or other body of water. There are different types of wave gauges available, but most work by detecting changes in water pressure caused by the passage of waves. The data collected by wave gauges can provide important information about wave behavior and the effects of waves on structures and marine ecosystems. In hydraulic flumes, wave gauges can be used to study the effects of wave energy on sediment transport, coastal erosion, and other processes, and to test the performance of coastal engineering structures such as seawalls or breakwaters.

Methods to measure useful parameters in the flume

The following table lists methods and instruments used to measure key parameters of fluid dynamics in hydrodynamic flumes. Each parameter is paired with relevant studies showing the methodological approach for each technique. The references offer a range of approaches for gathering data on fluid dynamics under laboratory conditions.

Research articles carried at Kristineberg flume

Below is a list of research articles conducted using the hydrodynamic flume at Kristineberg, covering topics such as flume design, sediment dynamics, transport and trapping, blue carbon, fish physiology, and animal behavior. The articles provide detailed descriptions of the methodologies used and the results achieved, offering valuable technical information for researchers and practitioners.

Wave flume design

34. Making realistic wave climates in low-cost wave mesocosms: a new tool for experimental ecology & biogeomorphology

Journal Papers
Infantes E, de Smit J, Tamarit E, Bouma TJ
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 19: 317-330
Publication year: 2021

Transport and trapping

A small seedling of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica in a container filled with water

15. Dispersal of seagrass propagules: interaction between hydrodynamics and substratum type

Journal Papers
Pereda L, Infantes E, Orfila A, Tomas F, Terrados J
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 593: 47-59.
Publication year: 2018
The influence of hydrodynamics and ecosystem engineers on eelgrass seed trapping

22. The influence of hydrodynamics and ecosystem engineers on eelgrass seed trapping

Journal Papers
Meysick L, Infantes E, Boström C
PLoS ONE 14(9): e0222020
Publication year: 2019
Close-up photo of Posidonia oceanica fruit with visible seed in the center, taken in Mallorca, Spain.

38. Assessing tolerance to the hydrodynamic exposure of Posidonia oceanica seedlings anchored to rocky substrates

Journal Papers
Zenone A, Badalamenti F, Alagna A, Gorb SN, Infantes E
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022(8):788448
Publication year: 2022
Microplastic retention by marine vegetated canopies: simulations with seagrass meadows in a hydraulic flume

35. Microplastic retention by marine vegetated canopies: simulations with seagrass meadows in a hydraulic flume

Journal Papers
de los Santos C, Krång A-S, Infantes E
Environmental Pollution, 269: 116050
Publication year: 2021

Sediment dynamics

26. Role of eelgrass on bed-load transport and sediment resuspension under oscillatory flow

Journal Papers
Marin-Diaz B, Bouma TJ, Infantes E
Limnology and Oceanography, 65(2): 426-436
Publication year: 2020

39. Coastal ecosystem engineers and their impact on sediment dynamics: Eelgrass-bivalve interactions under wave exposure

Journal Papers
Meysick L, Infantes E, Rugiu L, Gagnon K, Boström C.
Limnology and Oceanography, 67(3): 621-633, doi: 10.1002/lno.12022
Publication year: 2022
eagrass roots of cymodocea nodosa eroding in cliff formation in sandy sediments Mallorca, Spain, Mediterranan sea

40. Seagrass roots strongly reduce cliff erosion rates in sandy sediments

Journal Papers
Infantes E, Hoeks S, Adams MP, van der Heide T, van Katwijk M, Bouma TJ
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 700:1-12, DOI: 10.3354/meps14196
Publication year: 2022
Close-up of macroalga epiphyte on Posidonia oceanica leaf

45. The role of epiphytes on particle capture by seagrass canopies

Journal Papers
Barcelona A, Colomer J, Serra T, Cossa D, Infantes E
Marine Environmental Research, 192: 106238
Publication year: 2023

Blue carbon

Increased current flow enhances the risk of organic carbon loss from Zostera marina sediments: Insights from a flume experiment

17. Increased current flow enhances the risk of organic carbon loss from Zostera marina sediments: Insights from a flume experiment

Journal Papers
Dahl M, Infantes E, Clevesjö R, Linderholm HW, Björk M, Gullström M
Limnology and Oceanography, 63(6): 2793-2805.
Publication year: 2018
Seagrass Meadow of Zostera Marina with Bend Leaves Due to High Current

41. Loss of POC and DOC on seagrass sediments by hydrodynamics

Journal Papers
Egea LG, Infantes E, Jiménez-Ramos R
Science of the Total Environment, 901: 165976
Publication year: 2023

Fish physiology

The increase of energy expenditure as an indirect effect of habitat loss

31. Increased energy expenditure is an indirect effect of habitat structural complexity loss

Journal Papers
Castejón-Silvo I, Terrados J, Nguyen T, Jutfelt F, Infantes E
Functional Ecology, 35(10): 2316-2328
Publication year: 2021

Animal behavior

Sand shrimp Crangon crangon blending in with the sand near eelgrass Zostera marina

51. Shrimp habitat selection dependence on flow within Zostera marina canopies  

Journal Papers
Barcelona A, Serra T, Colomer J, Infantes E
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 305:1088858,
Publication year: 2024

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